[译完] Rapid System Prototyping with FPGAs - 4.4.2
0赞4.4.2Design Reviews
Design reviews are very important to the FPGA design process. Reviews should be multidisciplinary and include mechanical and software engineers in addition to hardware and FPGA engineers.The requirements review should be thorough but not overly formal. The objective of the review is the make sure that everyone is aware of the requirements from the earliest stages of the design to avoid design rework later in the design cycle. The following lists provide a summarized list of those objectives, factors and topics relevant to a design review.
Design Review Objectives
- [endif]-->Present how critical and difficult design requirements and objectives are being met and alternative implementations which were evaluated.
- <>[endif]-->Consider full or partial verification matrix or table to present how critical design requirements are being met
- Record, track and resolve issues identified during the review
- Identify critical design issues and challenges (risk)
- Focus on high-risk circuit, function and interface implementations
- Present critical Finite State Machines (FSMs)
- Identify signals targeted for global resources
- Detailed clock implementation overview
- [endif]-->Focus on synchronous design implementation
- <>[endif]-->How high-speed signals and buses will be resynchronized at the FPGA I/O blocks
- [endif]-->Present mechanical considerations (device size and height, likely number of board layers, proposed access to FPGA configuration and test headers in deliverable product configuration, clearances for device rework)
- Design power-up sequence, timing and how all I/O power-up, configuration and reset states will interact with the board-level circuitry
- [endif]-->I/O signals requiring special configuration (level, slew, threshold, termination)
- [endif]-->Design configuration control plan and procedure
- Initial board power-up plan (proposed FPGA minimum functionality)
- Design testing plan (debug and verification)
- Design block simulation plan
Design Review Topics
- [endif]-->Identify nets for global distribution
- <>Identify and characterize high-performance signals (differential signal pairs, board level routing concerns, package pin assignment limitations, controlled impedance, guard bands, distance from high-noise sources, signal termination architecture)
- Simultaneous Switching Outputs (SSO) consideration
- Potential device placement and orientation
- Data flow: how will critical signals and buses enter and exit the FPGA device and route through the FPGA?
- [endif]-->I/O placement/selection effects on board routing
- I/O placement/selection relationship to I/O banks and SSO considerations
- I/O characteristics (drive strength, differential pairs, placement, I/O mode, slew rate, need for assignment to dedicated or special function pin)
- I/O signal state effect on circuitry external to FPGA device before and during configuration and during FPGA special conditions such as device reset
- [endif]-->Need for worst-case simulation (process, temperature, etc.)
设计评审对FPGA设计过程是非常重要的。评审应该博采众家之长,应该是跨部门的,除 硬件和FPGA工程师之外,还应该包括机械设计和软件工程师。需求评审应该详尽彻底,但是不必过于正式。需求评审的目的是确保每个人在设计的最初阶段就清楚设计需 求,避免设计后期的返工。下面提供了与设计评审的目的、要素和主题相关的三个概要清单。