1、 串口部分: 接收和发送串口数据。串口接收到的数据,发送给FIFO。当外部的串口发送使能,就将从FIFO读取的数据发送出去。
2、 FIFO: 作为接收串口数据的暂存数据存储器。因为LCD1602操作是比较慢的,所以不能直接将串口接收到的数据发送给LCD1602进行显示,否则,就会存在数据丢失,所以使用FIFO,先将串口接收到的数据暂存下来,然后在发送给LCD1602.
3、 FIFO控制器: 因为LCD1602处理数据是比较慢的,所以在LCD1602上一个数据还没有处理完的时候,FIFO不能提供下一个数据。所以就需要一个FIFO控制器,当检测到LCD1602处理完后,FIFO读取数据,同时使能显示,将从FIFO读取的数据显示在LCD1602上。另外还要使能串口发送,将FIFO取出的数据发送出去。
4、 LCD1602: 控制LCD1602显示数据。
module uart_top #( parameter baud_tx = 256000, parameter baud_rx = 256000 ) ( input clk, input rst_n, input uart_rxd, //input serial rxd data input tx_start, //input start send data module signal input [7:0] tx_data, //input 8-bits send data output tx_finish, //output send mode finish output rx_finish, //output receive mode finish output uart_txd, //output serial txd data output [7:0] receive_data //output receive 8-bits data );
module fifo_lcd( input clk, input rst_n, input iempty, //fifo empty signal . 1 mean FIFO is empty input [7:0] ififo_data, //fifo read data input iLCD_finish, //LCD finish siganl . 1 mean LCD operate finish output reg oFIFO_rd_en, //FIFO read enable signal . 1 mean read data from FIFO output [8:0] oLCD_data, //data to LCD to display output reg oLCD_start // LCD operate enable signal , 1 mean start ); assign oLCD_data = {1'b1,ififo_data}; localparam idle_state = 1'd0; localparam trans_state = 1'd1; reg state; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin state <= idle_state; oLCD_start <= 1'b0; oFIFO_rd_en <= 1'b0; end else begin case(state) idle_state: begin if(iempty == 0) begin oFIFO_rd_en <= 'b1; state <= trans_state; end else oFIFO_rd_en <= 'b0; end trans_state: begin oFIFO_rd_en <= 'b0; oLCD_start <= 1'b1; if(iLCD_finish == 1) begin oLCD_start <= 1'b0; state <= idle_state; end end endcase end end endmodule
module LCD_Controller ( // Host Side input [7:0] iDATA, input iRS, input iCLK, input iRST_N, input iStart, output reg oDone, // LCD Interface output [3:0] LCD_DATA, output LCD_RW, output reg LCD_EN, output LCD_RS ); // CLK localparam CLK_Divide = 50; // Internal Register reg [5:0] Cont; reg [2:0] ST; localparam delay_number = 'd100000; //localparam delay_number = 'd10; reg [16:0] time_count; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Only write to LCD, bypass iRS to LCD_RS assign LCD_DATA = (ST != 4) ? iDATA[7:4] : iDATA[3:0]; assign LCD_RW = 1'b0; assign LCD_RS = iRS; ///////////////////////////////////////////// always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin oDone <= 1'b0; LCD_EN <= 1'b0; Cont <= 0; ST <= 0; time_count <= 'd0; end else begin case(ST) 0: begin oDone <= 1'b0; if(iStart == 1) ST <= 'd1; // Wait Setup else ST <= 'd0; end 1: begin if(time_count > delay_number) begin ST <= 'd2; time_count <= 'd0; end else time_count <= time_count + 1'b1; end 2: begin //send high 4 bits if(Cont < CLK_Divide) Cont <= Cont+1'b1; else ST <= 'd3; if( Cont > 10 && Cont < CLK_Divide / 2 + 10) LCD_EN <= 1'b1; else LCD_EN <= 1'b0; end 3: begin Cont <= 'd0; ST <= 'd4; end 4: begin //send low 4 bits if(Cont < CLK_Divide) Cont <= Cont+1'b1; else ST <= 'd5; if( Cont > 10 && Cont < CLK_Divide / 2 + 10) LCD_EN <= 1'b1; else LCD_EN <= 1'b0; end 5: begin oDone <= 1'b1; Cont <= 'd0; ST <= 'd6; end 6: begin ST <= 0; oDone <= 1'b0; end endcase end end endmodule
localparam init_state = 3'd0; //
localparam write_1line_state = 3'd1; //
localparam wait_1line_state = 3'd2; //
localparam write_2line_cmd_state = 3'd3; //
localparam write_2line_state = 3'd4; //
localparam wait_2line_state = 3'd5; //
localparam wait_data_state = 3'd6;
localparam clear_state = 3'd7;
Init_state: 对LCD1602初始化。就是发送初始化的一些命令。
Write_1line_state: 写第一行数据的状态。在这个状态中,写的数据是写在第一行。
Wait_1line_state: 写第一行的等待状态。在第一行中写数据后,就会跳到这个状态,如果超过一定时间,没有接收到使能信号,就说明数据写完了。然后就跳转到wait_data_state。
write_2line_cmd_state: 因为LCD一行只能显示16个字符,如果超过16个字符,就要写到下一行,但是在写到第二行之前,需要发送命令0Xc0.将光标移到第二行。
wait_data_state: 当数据写完之后,会到这个状态。如果接收到新的数据,就说明要进行新的数据显示了。就跳转到clear_state。
clear_state: 在这个状态,首先发送命令0x01,对屏幕进行清屏,因为要进行新的显示了。然后再发送0x80.将光标移到第一行。然后跳转到Write_1line_state,开始进行写数据。
// 9'h120 @ 9'h140 ` 9'h160 // ! 9'h121 A 9'h141 a 9'h161 // " 9'h122 B 9'h142 b 9'h162 // # 9'h123 C 9'h143 c 9'h163 // $ 9'h124 D 9'h144 d 9'h164 // % 9'h125 E 9'h145 e 9'h165 // & 9'h126 F 9'h146 f 9'h166 // ' 9'h127 G 9'h147 g 9'h167 // ( 9'h128 H 9'h148 h 9'h168 // ) 9'h129 I 9'h149 i 9'h169 // * 9'h12A J 9'h14A j 9'h16A // + 9'h12B K 9'h14B k 9'h16B // , 9'h12C L 9'h14C l 9'h16C // - 9'h12D M 9'h14D m 9'h16D // . 9'h12E N 9'h14E n 9'h16E // / 9'h12F O 9'h14F o 9'h16F // 0 9'h130 P 9'h150 p 9'h170 // 1 9'h131 Q 9'h151 q 9'h171 // 2 9'h132 R 9'h152 r 9'h172 // 3 9'h133 S 9'h153 s 9'h173 // 4 9'h134 T 9'h154 t 9'h174 // 5 9'h135 U 9'h155 u 9'h175 // 6 9'h136 V 9'h156 v 9'h176 // 7 9'h137 W 9'h157 w 9'h177 // 8 9'h138 X 9'h158 x 9'h178 // 9 9'h139 Y 9'h159 y 9'h179 // : 9'h13A Z 9'h15A z 9'h17A // ; 9'h13B [ 9'h15B { 9'h17B // < 9'h13C 锟 9'h15C | 9'h17C // = 9'h13D ] 9'h15D } 9'h17D // > 9'h13E ^ 9'h15E 鈫 9'h17E // ? 9'h13F _ 9'h15F 鈫 9'h17F module LCD ( // Host Side input iCLK, //鏃堕挓 input iRST_N, //澶嶄綅锛屼綆鐢靛钩鏈夋晥 input istart, output ofinish, input [8:0] idata, output [3:0] mLCD_DATA, output mLCD_RS, output mLCD_RW, output mLCD_en ); // Internal Wires/Registers reg mstart; wire mfinish; reg [8:0] lcd_data; //瀹氫箟4涓姸鎬 localparam init_state = 3'd0; // localparam write_1line_state = 3'd1; // localparam wait_1line_state = 3'd2; // localparam write_2line_cmd_state = 3'd3; // localparam write_2line_state = 3'd4; // localparam wait_2line_state = 3'd5; // localparam wait_data_state = 3'd6; localparam clear_state = 3'd7; localparam wait_number = 26'b11_1111_1111_1111_1110_1111_1111; //localparam wait_number = 26'b111_1111_1111; reg [2:0] state; reg [4:0] lcd_counter; reg [25:0] time_counter; assign ofinish = (state == write_1line_state || state == write_2line_state ) ? mfinish : 1'b0; always@(posedge iCLK or negedge iRST_N) begin if(!iRST_N) begin state <= init_state; mstart <= 1'b0; lcd_counter <= 'd0; time_counter <= 'd0; end else begin case(state) init_state: begin mstart <= 1'b1; if(mfinish == 1) begin if(lcd_counter >= 'd4) begin lcd_counter <= 'd0; state <= write_1line_state; mstart <= 1'b0; end else lcd_counter <= lcd_counter + 1'b1; end end write_1line_state: begin mstart <= istart; time_counter <= 'd0; if( mfinish == 1 ) begin if(lcd_counter > 14 ) begin lcd_counter <= 'd0; state <= write_2line_cmd_state; end else begin lcd_counter <= lcd_counter + 1'b1; state <= wait_1line_state; mstart <= 1'b0; end end end wait_1line_state: begin if (istart == 1) begin time_counter <= 'd0; state <= write_1line_state; end if(time_counter > wait_number) begin state <= wait_data_state; end else time_counter <= time_counter + 1'b1; end write_2line_cmd_state: begin mstart <= 1'b1; if( mfinish ==1 ) begin mstart <= 1'b0; state <= write_2line_state; end end write_2line_state: begin mstart <= istart; time_counter <= 'd0; if( mfinish == 1 ) begin if(lcd_counter > 14 ) begin lcd_counter <= 'd0; state <= clear_state; lcd_counter <= 'd0; end else begin lcd_counter <= lcd_counter + 1'b1; state <= wait_2line_state; mstart <= 1'b0; end end end wait_2line_state: begin if (istart == 1) begin time_counter <= 'd0; state <= write_2line_state; mstart <= 1'b1; end if(time_counter > wait_number) begin state <= wait_data_state; end else time_counter <= time_counter + 1'b1; end wait_data_state: begin mstart <= 1'b0; if(istart == 1) state <= clear_state; lcd_counter <= 'd0; end clear_state: begin mstart <= 1'b1; if(mfinish == 1) begin if(lcd_counter >= 1) begin lcd_counter <= 'd0; state <= write_1line_state; end else lcd_counter <= lcd_counter + 1'b1; end end endcase end end always @ (*) begin if(state == init_state) case(lcd_counter) // Initial 0: lcd_data = 9'h028;// 1: lcd_data = 9'h00C;// 2: lcd_data = 9'h006;// 3: lcd_data = 9'h001;// 4: lcd_data = 9'h080;// 5: lcd_data = 9'h16c; 6: lcd_data = 9'h175; 7: lcd_data = 9'h16A; 8: lcd_data = 9'h175; 9: lcd_data = 9'h16E; 10: lcd_data = 9'h121; default: lcd_data = 9'h001; endcase else if(state == clear_state) case(lcd_counter) 0: lcd_data = 9'h001; 1: lcd_data = 9'h080; 2: lcd_data = 9'h080; default: lcd_data = 9'h001; endcase else if(state == write_2line_cmd_state) lcd_data = 9'h0c0; else lcd_data = idata; end LCD_Controller u1( // Host Side .iDATA (lcd_data[7:0]), //杈撳叆鍙戦€佺殑8浣嶆暟鎹 .iRS (lcd_data[8]), //杈撳叆鍛戒护鏁版嵁閫夋嫨淇″彿 .iCLK (iCLK), //鏃堕挓 .iRST_N (iRST_N), //澶嶄綅淇″彿 锛浣庣數骞虫湁鏁 .iStart (mstart), //LCD鎺у埗鍣ㄦ湁鏁堜俊鍙 1 LCD寮€鍚伐浣 0 LCD鍋滄宸ヤ綔 .oDone(mfinish), //LCD瀹屾垚淇″彿 1琛ㄧず瀹屾垚 // LCD Interface .LCD_DATA(mLCD_DATA[3:0]), //LCD 4浣嶆暟鎹 .LCD_RW (mLCD_RW), //LCD 璇诲啓淇″彿 0琛ㄧず鍐 1琛ㄧず璇 .LCD_EN (mLCD_en), //LCD 璇诲啓浣胯兘淇″彿 涓嬮檷娌挎湁鏁 .LCD_RS (mLCD_RS) //LCD 鍛戒护鏁版嵁閫夋嫨淇″彿 1閫夋嫨 ); endmodule