关于FPGA的配置管脚的复用,在Quartus II的setting里有如下相关的描述:
Specifies how the Data[0] pin should be used when the device is operating in user mode after configuration is complete. Depending on the current device and configuration scheme, the Data[0] pin can be reserved as a regular I/O pin, as an input that is tri-stated, as an output that drives ground, as an output that drives an unspecified signal, or compiler configured. If the Data[0] pin is reserved as a regular I/O pin, the Data[0] pin can be used as an ordinary I/O pin after configuration. If the Data[0] pin is only used to interface with external memory for configuration, the Data[0] pin should be reserved as compiler configured.
Specifies how the nCEO pin should be used when the device is operating in user mode after configuration is complete. The nCEO pin can be reserved as dedicated nCEO programming pin or a regular I/O pin.
Data[1]/ASDO、DCLK、FLASH_nCE/nCSO与Data[0]的复用选项一样,都可以是programming pin、regular I/O、input tri-stated、output driving ground、output driving an unspecified signal和compiler configured。nCEO则只能配置为programming pin和regular I/O。
由于Cyclone III器件的EPCS控制器IO不是内部分配,需要手动在顶层逻辑引出到这些专用管脚上。而用户逻辑中需要在EPCS控制器上电配置工作完成后复用这些管脚,那么它们肯定也是要在逻辑中引到这些管脚上。因此,势必需要在两组复用的管脚间做一些“手脚”才能够保证系统正常工作。