Xilinx的clocking wizard_时钟输出接普通I/O口遇到的问题
WARNING:Place:1205 - This design contains a global buffer instance,<U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout2_buf>, driving the net, <dsp_clkin_OBUF>, that is driving the following (first 30) non-clock source pins off chip.
< PIN: dsp_clkin.O; >
This design practice, in Spartan-6, can lead to an unroutable situation due to limitations in the global routing. If the design does route there may be excessive delay or skew on this net. It is recommended to use a Clock Forwarding technique to create a reliable and repeatable low skew solution:
(// Clock in ports
// Clock out ports
// Status and control signals
wire clk_out1;
wire clk_out2;
(// Clock in ports
// Clock out ports
// Status and control signals
ODDR2 #(
// The following parameters specify the behavior
// of the component.
.DDR_ALIGNMENT("NONE"), // Sets output alignment
// to "NONE", "C0" or "C1"
.INIT(1'b0), // Sets initial state of the Q
// output to 1'b0 or 1'b1
.SRTYPE("SYNC") // Specifies "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
// set/reset
ODDR2_clkout1 (
.Q(txpll_ck0), // 1-bit DDR output data
.C0(clk_out1), // 1-bit clock input
.C1(~clk_out1), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(1'b1), // 1-bit clock enable input
.D0(1'b1), // 1-bit data input (associated with C0)
.D1(1'b0), // 1-bit data input (associated with C1)
.R(1'b0), // 1-bit reset input
.S(1'b0) // 1-bit set input
ODDR2 #(
// The following parameters specify the behavior
// of the component.
.DDR_ALIGNMENT("NONE"), // Sets output alignment
// to "NONE", "C0" or "C1"
.INIT(1'b0), // Sets initial state of the Q
// output to 1'b0 or 1'b1
.SRTYPE("SYNC") // Specifies "SYNC" or "ASYNC"
// set/reset
ODDR2_clkout2 (
.Q(txpll_ck1), // 1-bit DDR output data
.C0(clk_out1), // 1-bit clock input
.C1(~clk_out1), // 1-bit clock input
.CE(1'b1), // 1-bit clock enable input
.D0(1'b1), // 1-bit data input (associated with C0)
.D1(1'b0), // 1-bit data input (associated with C1)
.R(1'b0), // 1-bit reset input
.S(1'b0) // 1-bit set input